My official due date was Monday, September 23rd. September 23rd came and went, and I was showing no signs of labor. How in the world does someone go past their due date on their third pregnancy? But Little Miss wasn't quite ready to make her grand debut...despite all my walking and spicy food attempts.
Shortly after midnight two days later I woke up with contractions. Not wanting to wake Kerry (because I knew he'd make us leave immediately), I got out of bed, took a bath, watched some TV, and ate a bowl (or two) of cereal all while continuing to time my contractions. Around 2:30 a.m. I knew they were the real deal, and I decided it was time to wake Kerry.
After waking Kerry out of a dead sleep, we loaded the kids up in the van, and headed to Vian to drop them off with Mr. Randy and Mrs. Shawna. Randy and Shawna are so awesome to have done this twice for us now!
We arrived at Sparks around 3:45 a.m. and got checked in and were given a room around 4:00. Another doctor was on call that night, but as soon as we got to the labor and delivery ward I saw my doctor standing at the desk. I was so so happy to see her there. She delivered both Hayden and Deacon, and I do not care what anyone thinks about their own doctor, Dr. Householder, is the very best. I love her so much.
She examined me once I got in my room and I was at a four. I was really surprised I was already that far along. The nurse immediately got my IV going so that I would be able to get the epidural soon.
Between contractions, before my epidural |
This was my third time around in labor and delivery so I wasn't surprised to hear some ladies yelling in the rooms next to mine. But...oh my! There was a poor teenage girl in the room next to mine yelling the same very harsh profanity each time she had a contraction...which was often. Once while I was having my own contractions we hear "MOTHER-bleeper!!" I actually began laughing even though I was in a lot of pain myself!
I think after having each of my children I completely blocked out how much pain contractions actually cause. Geez, they hurt, they hurt, they hurt. (Not enough for me to scream M-F-er, but they are awful.) Now, for those of you that refuse the epidural, good for you, but I am not that kind of gal! I'm convinced that epidurals are a gift from God. The moment it kicks in and begins working is such a beautiful thing. I was able to relax and visit with Kerry and my parents from that moment on.
Oh yeah, my parents arrived at the hospital around 5:00 a.m. My mom is very serious about being there BEFORE her grandbabies arrive. All thanks to not making it on time to Hayden's birth...she was a tad angry at my dad for that one.
Around 6:00 a.m. my doctor checked me again and I was at a seven! "Holy cow, this is going fast," I said. An hour later I was at a 10, and at 7:09 AM on September 25, 2013, Ainslee Blake White was born.
Our new baby girl |
After her first bath...which she HATED |
Ainslee weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces and was 20 inches long. I couldn't believe she was actually that big. My other two were tiny babies. Ainslee came out crying and didn't stop until I held her. The second I saw her my, heart opened up a little more and made room for the overwhelming love I had for this precious child. The feeling in that moment when I first held each of my children is indescribable. What a huge blessing from God.
Daddy smitten over his newest girl |
A few hours after Ainslee was born Mr. Randy brought big sister and big brother to come and meet her. As soon as they came in Hayden demanded, "What's her name?!"
We waited until the baby was born to reveal her name. This proved to be a very unpopular choice amongst most of our family and friends, but we didn't care! I loved waiting; it was a fun surprise.
Hayden is an amazing big sister |
Sisters and hopefully one day best friends |
I love Deacon's face, he was so excited and proud :) |
The moment Hayden and Deacon saw Ainslee for the first time they were both smitten. I loved watching them fall instantly in love with their new sibling.
This will forever be a favorite picture of mine. So proud of their new sissy. |
Despite me looking a little rough--I did after all just have a baby--I love our first picture together as a family. |
Ainslee had several visitors. Shortly after my parents left Bear came in...bringing donuts! Aunt Jill and Uncle Blake came around noon. Poor Mimi had a horrible toothache and had to go to the dentist that morning, but she, Bear, Meemaw, and Papa came later that evening.
After everyone got a chance to hold the newest member of our family, they all took Kerry to dinner and Ainslee and I got some precious alone time to bond while they were gone. I spent most of that time holding and kissing my new baby girl. Marveling over what a gift from God I have been given.
The next afternoon Ainslee and I both got the okay to be discharged from the hospital. However, before we left I took advantage of the free postpartum massage they provide for mamas at Sparks...another reason having a baby there is so awesome. It was so great and so needed! Thank-you Sparks!
Ainslee Blake all buckled up and ready to head to her new home. |
Again, I know I have already bragged on her, but I do adore this woman. Dr. Householder is amazing. She works incredibly hard to be there for her patients and to provide them with the best care possible. I am actually always sad after my deliveries knowing I won't see her on a regular basis anymore. I'm so thankful to have had such a wonderful OB-GYN. I could never tell her quite enough how amazing I think she is. Dr. Householder, you are a rock star!
Dr. Jean-Marie Householder |