For the first time--ever--I had to miss Christmas at my Granny's house. With the looming winter storm we made the decision this morning to stay home. After all, our highway is dangerous enough when the weather is nice. So being cautious was the obvious choice for us.
I was a little bummed, but spending the day with just my husband and children was a nice little blessing.
Some how I managed to get up before the kids woke up. Maybe because my mama called and woke me up. I came downstairs fixed a glass of orange juice and I planted myself on the couch with my camera, video camera, and phone camera. I tend to be a bit excessive. I was ready for them.
Hayden woke up first which happens almost never. She peeked in the living room and I instructed her to get her brother before she came down to check out her loot from Santa. Hayden ran back to her room and exclaimed that Santa had came and left gifts. Deacon then shot out of bed and hurried while rubbing his eyes to join his sister in the living room.
A few weeks prior Deacon was so eager to see Santa at Bass Pro. He had waited weeks to see his beloved Santa Claus only to find out that you didn't actually get your present from Santa right then, but had to wait until Christmas morning. He was a tad distraught. It took much convincing him that Santa would bring it to his house.
Hayden digging through her stocking while Deacon rubs his eyes to see the Bucky pirate ship he has had his eye on for months. |
One tradition we have started is the wearing of our Christmas jammies. I love my kiddos in their jammies, especially Christmas ones. I hope they are still willing when they are teenagers. Since we were staying home today they actually wore them all day, and I loved every second of it.
I can't believe how big they are getting... |
Daddy and Deacon playing with pirates |
I read an article awhile back about how mom's never get in the photos. Us moms are always worried with our appearances, etc. Since then I've tried to make more of an effort to be in a few of the photos. I want my kids to have pictures with their mama, good or bad. So, just focus on the cute kids and not the gal who just rolled out of bed.
We had a very simple lunch, beans and cornbread. I was supposed to bring a pot of beans to my Granny's house as a side to turkey and dressing. Since we had to stay home we had beans and cornbread instead. While it was good, I really missed having a slice of my mom's coconut pie for dessert...that was probably the biggest travesty of the day for me. Honorable mention goes to my brother-in-law's turkey and my sister's hospital salad--horrible name, it's actually an inside joke, but it's soooo good.
Anyhow, we had beans, cornbread, and Christmas cookies. Afterwards Deacon and I both took naps. It was an awesome day to take a nap.
Deacon insisted on taking a nap with his new pirate ship |
After a nice nap we played with some toys. Kerry had no idea that Barrel of Monkeys was actually created as a pick up game. I don't know how he missed out on that as a child. Hayden and I also built several things out of Legos while Kerry and Deacon played hide and seek and wrestled all over the house.
Some time after noon it began sleeting and eventually switched over to snowing. I normally don't like the cold or snow, but I've been looking forward to it this year. Our new home makes the snow so much more appealing.
White Christmas |
Lastly, we ended the night by reading the story of Jesus' birth to our kiddos. Kerry read to us from Luke chapter 2. When he finished reading I asked Deacon, "Who was the baby that was born?" He said, with thumb in his mouth, "Jee-suhs, it's Jee-suhs birthday." I smiled and said "that's right." We prayed and I kissed them both good night.
While it wasn't the Christmas I was expecting or used to, it was simply wonderful.
God, thank-you for Jesus. Thank-you for a chance to slow down this year and reflect on your gift of salvation.