Friday, October 12, 2012


I'm getting my ladies' retreat blog entry out a little later than I had hoped to.  My horrid annual sinus infection made it's debut a few months early this year. So I remained in bed a few days after the retreat...yes, I am a huge baby.  However, I am very grateful that I wasn't sick the actual day of the retreat.  

Now that my justification is out of the way, here is the recap!

First off, I could not pull off this retreat without this lady featured in the photo below.  Shawna Rogers is my go-to gal for ideas, support, and amazing decorating skills.  She helped me plan the event last year, and she was the first person I called to plan this years event. Her sweet husband Randy came up with her the day before to help get everything ready.  He and I moved a lot of chairs...and we were awesome at it.  Meanwhile, here are a few shots of her work...oh, and remember, Randy I and put the chairs around the table.  

I have a new obsession with birds, so I loved all the little bird details

This years theme was Clean based on the verse "First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too" (Matthew 23:26).  So the tea cups were perfect and beautiful.

The next picture is of my lovely friend Danielle McGavock rocking the hostess responsibilities.  She hosted the event last year as well and did a perfect job although, she was a little diva-ish, requesting theme music for her part. Just kidding...Danielle is awesome and I love her.

I think this is the part where she explained where all the restrooms were located. Well done Danielle ;)
The next picture is the very talented Kristen Slocum.  I love this girl.  Kristen is actually a former youth student from when my husband was a youth pastor. Now she is a college grad and all grown up.  I'm really proud of the lady she has become, but also sad because it makes me old!  Kristen has a beautiful voice and I love to hear her sing.

The next several pictures are from some of the smaller sessions we had that day.  These ladies all did a wonderful job.  I'm so appreciative of each of them for taking a Saturday to spend sharing their stories and testimonies with other ladies.  

And here are some photos from lunch...

The worship team from EBC in Collinsville.  I love them.  

Our keynote speaker this year was Shelly Watkins.  I met Shelly back in the spring at a ladies' retreat at Falls Creek.  I attended a session for ministry wives and she was on the panel of pastors' wives that sat on stage and answered questions.  As I listened to her answer questions that day I knew I liked her, and wanted her to speak at our event.  I also found out that day that her in-laws were new friends of ours that we attend church with, and that her husband was going to be one of our camp pastors for the summer at our campground.  So it was just meant to be.

Shelly did a wonderful job speaking to us about what's inside each of us: maggots or things of God?  Yes, she said maggots, and it was awesome.

Shelly also spent some time educating us ladies about the horrible reality of human trafficking. Shelly is involved with the fight to stop human trafficking.  It happens so much more than any of us realize and it is very prevalent right here in the state of Oklahoma.    

At the end of our event we have a question and answer panel we call Roundtable.  We have all the speakers from the day and our worship leader up on stage to answer questions the ladies have written down throughout the day.  This is one of my favorite parts of the day.

My mama and my niece Deana both drove up for the event.  It was so awesome to have them both there.  My mom was very helpful to have the morning of the event.  She was there to help with registration and direct ladies to breakfast.  Thanks mama, I love you.  Deana, thanks for making such a long drive to be there!
Spoiler alert:  look out for that niece of mine next year ;)

Lastly, I wanted to put a couple of links up of organizations that are fighting to rescue individuals and to eradicate human trafficking.  You can check them out to educate yourself and to see what you can do to help.

Abolition International & A21 Campaign

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