This is month two of Miss Ainslee Blake.
I think she is warming up to Carl. |
Ainslee's likes:
- Ainslee loves to smile and stick out her tongue.
little ham |
- Ainslee loves her siblings. Hayden loves to sit and talk to her, and Ainslee stays content the entire time. This is incredibly helpful to mama, especially when I need to get things done around the house.
Serious conversation with big sister. |
- Ainslee likes to be talked to. Deacon likes to entertain Ainslee. Sometimes he "reads" to her. Most of the time he just acts goofy. He loves to make her smile, and is working super hard to get her to laugh.
Story time with big brother |
- Ainslee is still a mama's girl. If someone else is holding her she usually follows me around the room with her eyes.
- Ainslee likes sleeping. When Ainslee turned five weeks old she slept through the night. Kerry and I thought it was just a one night ordeal. Turns out she thought it was fabulous idea, and she never looked back. She has seriously been sleeping through the night ever since. I thank this precious baby each and every morning for sleeping so well!! All you moms out there, please refrain from throwing items at your computer or feeling the urge to hate me. I promise I paid my dues with the other two children! And yes, I realize how crazy lucky I am!

- Ainslee is fascinated with my leopard throw blanket. I keep the blanket draped over our recliner. Every time I hold Ainslee up to face me she immediately averts her eyes to the blanket, gets a huge smile on her face, and begins a lengthy conversation with it. She coos and squeals all with a big grin. I'm not sure what this blanket tells her, but she enjoys every bit of it. If you follow me on Instagram I actually have a video of her chatting it up with the blanket. My handle is cassieraye1.
Ainslee Dislikes:
- Ainslee does not enjoy modeling clothing...especially hats.
- Ainslee is still not a big fan of the car seat, but she is getting better.
- Ainslee does not like when Mama hands her over to Daddy when she is hungry. She is highly offended by this.
- Ainslee does not like to be held like a baby. I have to warn anyone that holds her not to cradle her...she hates it. I don't think she realizes she's a baby, she wants to be held like a big girl.
One of my best friend's from high school was pregnant with her son, Kason the same time I was pregnant with Ainslee. (Eight years ago were actually pregnant with our oldest daughters at the same time too.) Kason was born the week before Ainslee was born. A few weeks ago, Ainslee and I made a trip to Tulsa to see Terah and meet Mr. Kason. Let me tell you, Kason is a big healthy boy!
Sweet babies |
Lastly, a week ago Monday, we took the kids to see Santa. Now normally I am anti-anything Christmas before Thanksgiving, but we had a free day and it was honestly the best time to go. We only waited in line for five minutes.
Waiting to see Santa |
Ainslee was super excited...well, really she didn't care. But she did look cute in her pictures. I think Santa was pretty comfortable, Ainslee was very relaxed and completely content in his arms.
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