Monday, September 24, 2012

Another Weekend at Granny's

 Last weekend the kids and I went to West Liberty to spend a few nights with Granny. Every time we go Hayden will ask Granny if she can plant some flowers. So earlier in the week my mom bought some mums for Hayden and Granny to plant together.  Deacon not wanting to be left out wanted to help too...well, kind of.
Granny's house
Below the kids are patiently waiting for Granny to get the mums and tools from the shed.  I tried to get a "nice" picture of them while waiting.  Hayden is always willing. Deacon...*sigh.*
Pestering big sister is what we do best.
Granny dug out some holes in her flower bed and then let the kids water the soil. This was their favorite part, but not mine.  It resulted in several fights over the water hose.

 Granny then showed them how to transfer the flowers to the flower bed.
At this point Deacon was still interested.

Deacon became bored quickly after the water hose was shut off.  After hearing Hayden exclaim, "Eew Deacon, those are dirty," I turned around to find him like this.
Deacon being Deacon

It took Hayden some time to be okay with the dirt.  At home while playing in the dirt she is always wearing her gardening gloves. She wasn't crazy about getting her hands so dirty.  I realized quickly that I have been raising a city girl; we are going to have to work in some country behavior.

By the second or third set of mums she was a pro. The dirty hands were no longer an issue.

Once the flowers were all planted into the bed and the water hose came back on, Deacon showed up.

Later on Granny found some more flowers for Hayden to plant, and it made her day.

Deacon had a great time with the discarded pots.  They were perfect for throwing in the air and wearing on his head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading your stories, but this one was just precious. I know it takes your Granny a little while to remember who I am, always have to tell her I am Check and Hattie Seabolts daughter, then she remembers. :-)