Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Soaking Them Up

Summer break is officially over as yesterday my eldest two returned back to school. It's been a few weeks since I logged into the old blog. I had already forgotten (because that's what I do these days, I forget) about this entry from a few weeks ago that I had yet to publish. While I was somewhat excited for them to go back to school, I read this and am sad their summer break is already over.

Today is one of those days. One of those days where I am overwhelmed with the love I have for my babies. It's one of those days where I ache knowing that school is about to start soon. I have watched them all day long and soaked in all the goodness, the innocence, the funniness that they each possess.

Deacon has went into great detail about his future lemonade stand. He watched his sister working her lemonade stand all last month and he can't wait to have his own. He will be charging $17 a cup he says. Hayden quickly informs him that $17 for a cup of lemonade is outrageous. He stands his ground and says $17 it will be.

Ainslee has discovered she can use her tongue to make fart noises. She proudly demonstrates her new skill as she crawls around, or if you're lucky, as she is inches from your face, showering you with slobber.

Hayden hosts a pool party in the backyard for her and her brother. She made some sandwiches and snacks and packed them into the picnic basket. Off to the backyard they went and played in the pool...without fighting...for over an hour. I laid in my lawn chair trying to put some color on my still pasty legs observing it all. It was time for the picnic. Hayden laid a towel down on the back porch and retrieved the food from the picnic basket. She looked at Deacon and without missing a beat they bowed their heads as Hayden blessed the food. Thank-you God for the beautiful faith of a child.

Just a few days ago I wanted to pull my hair out. I was scolding all three children what seemed like every 5 seconds. Today, I have sit back and watched in adoration. These are my babies. They are far from perfect, but my word I love them.

1 comment:

penny eakle stamper said...

You are so blessed to have these 3 little peo .they are blessed to have you (and thei dad ) love your family so much