We spent late March through mid-July going to the kids' track meets, practices, t-ball games, and softball games. It was the busiest our family has been, but it was so much fun.
Every year Keys takes several of the top runners from each grade to the Woodall track meet. All the surrounding K-8th schools (and Keys) come to compete. I love going to track meets so I was thrilled when Deacon was chosen to go and compete for the pre-k boys.
Let me say this: there are some fast little kids in these different schools. Deacon was not necessarily one of them that day. The first race he competed in he looked like he was just out for a nice jog. He had a smile on his face, but was definitely in no hurry.
Waiting to run his leg in the relay. |
A nice day for a jog. |
Although he wasn't the fastest that day, he got a few ribbons and he had a great time. His team did get second in the tug-of-war. I forgot to take a picture; I was too busy cheering him on!
A few weeks later Keys had their annual elementary track meet. This meet is just for the students at Keys. The kids compete against the other kids in their grade. I have always enjoyed watching Hayden each year, but this year was twice as fun having two kiddos to cheer for.
After some practice racing his sister at home, I think Deacon finally understood what a sprint really was.
Crossing the finish line first! |
tug-of-war |
Long jump, or "run in the sand" as Deacon does it. |
First place ribbon in the 75 yd. dash |
Hayden has always loved the track meet at Keys. I love watching her. She always tries her absolute hardest. She did really well this year. She placed first in 50 yard dash and second in the 75 yard dash.
Running her leg in the relay race |
Here she is getting first place in the 50 yard dash |
Hayden has never placed in the long jump. This year however, after seeing her take her two jumps I thought, "Wow, she actually jumped pretty far." Turns out she did awesome! She placed second out of about 35 girls. She was so thrilled.
Long jump |
first place ribbon |
Hayden's class also placed first in the tug-of-war.
proud of their ribbons |
This was the first year for the kids to play t-ball and softball. Although it's embarrassing to admit, I discovered I am "that mom." The mom that cheers way too loud for her kids, gets all worked up and nervous for each game, and is on her feet celebrating the loudest when her kids do something good. After one game Hayden said "Mama, you are really loud." I told her "I know baby...I don't know how to harness it...I just get too excited."
I really do envy the calm moms, the ones who sit, watch, and smile. The ones who clap calmly and do not get crazy each time they are proud of their kids. Kerry is the calm dad, so maybe that balances us out...probably not though.
First night of ball for both |
The first game for both kids happened to be on the same night. This was the only bad thing about having two kids playing summer league. I hated to miss either of their games, but looking at their schedules we knew this would happen on most Thursdays.
I took Hayden to her first game. Kerry took Deacon to his first game. Funny story now (not necessarily at the time): Kerry couldn't find Deacon's field. His game was at Vian; Kerry thought it was at a different complex and had no idea where the t-ball fields actually were. After driving around and after many frantic phone calls, he eventually got him to the correct ball fields...just in time for the top of the second inning.
It was a tad frustrating, and Kerry was worried he had ruined his first game, but Deacon still had a lot of fun. Besides, he had many games left to play. We also got him to every game 30 minutes early from there on out, just to be safe!
keeping it real |
Deacon played for the Fireballs team in Gore. We were so happy his coach Arnie McGee had an opening for him. Arnie is such a great guy who loves kids and is so patient in teaching them. We are very grateful Deacon was on his team. Deacon told us several times how much he loved t-ball and he can't wait til next year.
Deacon spent the majority of the time playing in the outfield, but towards the end of the season he got to play second base. By the end of the season he was pretty good at batting. I was so proud in one game as he got up to bat the other team's coach instructed his players to back up.
This was Deacon on the way to every single game. He always fell asleep on the ride. It was a nice little power nap to get him ready to play. |
The boy loved to cross home plate |
At the end of the season Arnie threw a party for the boys and got them each a trophy with their name and number on it. This may have been the happiest moment of Deacon's life as he thinks trophies are the coolest thing ever.
We always knew we would sign Deacon up when he was old enough to play, but we never thought Hayden would be interested. However, Hayden asked if she could play softball this year. Reluctantly, we said yes. I was so nervous about her having to start out her first year playing coach pitch since she had no prior experience.
Hayden proved me all kinds of wrong. Not only does the kid love love love softball, she is good at it! She hit a home run in her very first game of the season!
Hayden played for the Lady Reds, and from day one she played shortstop. She did really well in the position. Turns out she was pretty fast and good at tagging people out.
She was pretty good at batting as well. I know I said it earlier, but the girl can run. Her speed helped her get on base easily. She also shocked us a couple of times by sliding. She had never practiced it, she just knew what to do in the moment and did it.
Hayden's team played in three tournaments placing first, third, and fourth. They also placed third in their league out of 7 teams. She had a wonderful first year, and loved her team and coaches.
First place in her first tournament |
Third in the league |
We were so exhausted by the end of the season, but we are excited for next year.