Sunday, May 28, 2006

Finally Moved!

We are officially living in Collinsville now. We are still trying to sell the house. We do have an offer going back and forth at the moment so hopefully it will all work out. We are waiting for our realtor to get back from vacation--yes, vacation--to get us updated.

I want to apologize to you all who look for new Hayden pictures on here weekly. Our computer at home is still in the box and we are yet to have internet. Hopefully within the next few weeks we will get it all hooked up and I will continue to put new pictures of her on this blog. I think we will be able to get DSL or cable internet which will be great because I can put more than a couple of pictures on at a time.

The church has been so incredible thus far. These people are truly servants. We had so many people show up to help us move. It was amazing. Kerry and I hardly had to lift a finger. Also, last Sunday night they threw a surprise reception for us after church. They completely loaded us up with food, money, gift certificates, and diapers. God has truly blessed us by sending us to this church. It's so great to see people excited about doing God's work.

Well, that's pretty much the whole update on how we are doing. Hayden keeps getting bigger and bigger. She also chatters and babbles constantly. She loves people and putting on a big show for everyone. She is a ham.

1 comment:

Kairos said...
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