Over spring break this last weekend we drove to Collierville, TN to stay with our friends that just recently moved there this last December. Hayden and her buddy Reese had a good time together. (We used to let the girls play together once a week when they still lived in Collinsville.) Anyhow, Reese had a bunch of cool toys and Hayden loved it. The first picture is Hayden and her Daddy playing in Reese's tent. The next picture was taken in Collierville's Town Square.
The last picture needs a little explanation. Hayden got sick over the weekend. She and I were laying on the couch because she felt bad. In the picture Reese was petting her head and trying to comfort her. It was so sweet. I was amazed that babies that young can already feel and show compassion for others.
We had a really good time.